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> jog

It's a lovely Autumn day out. Just enough chill to justify your favorite hoodie. Halfway to class, however, a demonstration interrupts your path. You can't quite tell if they're fellow students or a visiting roadshow. They chant and wave signs, but it's hard to tell what they want. Some of the signs read 'THE TRUTHTM IS THE TRUTHTM!' Other signs feature an image of a human head with a giant wasp perched on it, stinger buried deep inside the skull. Staring at the image makes your skin crawl, and you're already running late for class, but it also fills you with morbid curiosity. Do you ask an activist for more information?

+1 point for experiencing loaded language

+1 point for experiencing tautology

Commands: ask keep jogging view score view leaderboard



A text-based psychological thriller inspired by:

Giesea, J. (2016). It's Time To Embrace Memetic Warfare. Retrieved from NATO Strategic Communications Centre Of Excellence: https://stratcomcoe.org/publications/its-time-to-embrace-memetic-warfare/164

Kramer, A. (2014). Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. Retrieved from Proceedings Of The National Academy of Sciences: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1320040111

qntm. (2020). There Is No Antimemetics Division. Retrieved from SCP Foundation: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/antimemetics-division-hub

ztul. (2014). The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo. Retrieved from SCP Foundation: https://ztul.itch.io/the-uncle-who-works-for-nintendo

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